As I Burn Babylon
A sneak peak of issue #2 of The Lighthouse Chronicles series
Issue #2 of the Lighthouse Chronicles series titled As I Burn Babylon, takes a deep look at culture, religion and the many victims who have found themselves suffocating underneath the weight of a forced doctrine, myself being one of them. Illustrated by the talented Laourde, the poetry I have written over the last 16 years chronicles my own journey as an LGBTQ+ person who has been faced with church camps, exorcisms, conversion therapy and more, all at the hands of those who preach a scripture that bellows of love and acceptance.
I have made a mini comic zine as a teaser for the official second issue, the first issue being Love By Lamplight. The mini comic zine showcases one of the 4 poems you’ll find in the full comic book that will be available for purchase in November. Additionally, the mini comic zine includes a behind the scenes manifesto-type explosion of words that shed light into the inspiration for the poem and the title of the comic book.
To get your hands on the mini comic zine, come hang out with me at Drawn To Comics on 10/5/24 at 11AM - 4PM or message me on my IG @thelighthousemonocle.
Drawn to Comics: 5801 W. Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85301
Scan the QR code for more info on my other projects and IG page.